
Silk TPU filament, copper, 1.75 mm, 1 kg

  • Thermoplastic Polyurethanes (TPUs) are similar to TPE in many ways. It is an established material that is relatively new to 3D printing.
  • Main advantages of TPU:
  • Easy to print, perfect for durable flexible prints
  • Good heat, impact and chemical resistance
  • High tear and abrasion resistance
  • High elasticity

Попередній перегляд пакування
artwork preview Sticker on spool (86 kb)

Фотографії високої якості
hi-res photo (67843 kb)
hi-res photo (67843 kb)

Web Site images
web package image (365 kb)
website image (481 kb)

  • Silk TPU filament with 1.75 mm diameter
  • Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) is highly suitable for printing durable flexible models
  • In general, TPU has a smooth finish compared to the rubbery finish of TPE
  • TPU lasts longer then TPE, due to its higher abrasion resistance
  • Can be applied to a variety of 3D printers

Додаткова інформація
additional info filament Pantone codes (273 kb)
Material: SILK TPU 98A, 1.75 mm diameter
Weight: 1 kg/spool (2.2 lbs)
Length: approx. 350 m
Density at 21.5 °C: 1.22-1.25 g/cm3
Melt point: 220 °C - 240 °C
Diameter: 1.75 mm ± 0.05 mm
Nozzle: 0.4mm available, 0.6mm recommended
Printing speed 30-60 mm/s or M.V.S: (3-5) mm?/s
Spool dimensions: 198 mm diameter x 67 mm height x 55 mm central hole

Системні вимоги
A 3D printer with 1.75 mm extruder of temperature around 230 °C

Кількість в коробці, шт. 8
Об’єм коробки, куб. м0.0327825
Вага коробки, кг11.85
Розмір індивідуальної упаковки ДхШхВ:215x215x75 mm
Розмір коробки ДхШхВ:450x310x235 mm
Країна виробникCN
Пакуванняcolor box

Торгова марка